Stop Surprise Medical Bills
Our Mission
- Protect patients and families from surprise medical bills sent by out-of-network providers.
- Maintain fair and equitable payments for providers with a benchmark standard based on local, competitive market-based rates.
- Help reduce consumers’ health insurance premiums and taxpayers’ costs by avoiding an arbitration process that adds unnecessary cost, delay and bureaucracy to the health system and is particularly harmful for smaller companies.
The Problem
When clinical specialists choose not to participate in health insurance providers’ networks – or if they do not meet the standards for inclusion – they often demand a blank check from patients for their services. The consequences are significant: financial stress, fighting a complicated, confusing bureaucracy, harassed by collection agencies, and often legal action for non-payment. And when a health insurance provider steps in on a patient’s behalf to cover the surprise medical bill, it raises premiums for everyone else.
Role of Private Equity
The Solution
Myths & Facts on Implementation of the No Surprises Act
Myth 1: The No Surprises Act is leading to an exodus of doctors and specialists from health plans’ provider networks, making it more difficult for patients to access the affordable, in-network care they need. Fact: Since passage of the No Surprises Act, health plans’...
New Polling: Bipartisan Voters Concerned about Private Equity’s Legal Threats to the No Surprises Act
WASHINGTON, DC – With the No Surprises Act preventing more than 1 million surprise bills per month, three in four voters are concerned that pending lawsuits from providers and hospitals could weaken the patient protections that stop these bills from reaching consumers...
ICYMI: New Research Confirms Rise In Private Equity-Acquired Physician Practices
A new report published in Health Affairs confirms a troubling increase in the number of private equity-acquired physician practices between 2012-2021, raising further concerns about these firms’ penetration at the physician level into local markets and the potential...
Take Action
Tell Washington it’s time to protect patients from surprise and unfair medical bills.